January 23, 2020

How to use lavender oil for acne on both your face and body

As a flower long recognized for its medicinal benefits, lavender has been used as a staple in herbalism for nearly 2,500 years. Whether in the form of pure essential oil or high-quality spa product, the uses of lavender oil for acne make it a popular commodity in skin care.

In this article, we’ll break down what causes acne breakouts – both on the face and the body. The bottom line is learning how to use lavender oil for acne, to keep skin clear from head to toe.

What Causes Face Acne?

According to the American Academy of Dermatology, acne is the most common skin condition in the United States. While this means that the occasional blemish (or two) is nothing to panic about, most individuals simply want to get rid of their acne, period – and that’s completely understandable.

Luckily, lavender may be able to help!

Lavender oil’s ability to fight acne lies largely in its antibacterial properties. It’s also known to help heal and prevent acne breakouts, and to cleanse and unclog pores while reducing inflammation.

That being said, it’s worth mentioning that while this may be a viable treatment for acne, prevention is always key – and prevention starts with knowing what causes the problem in the first place.

Acne occurs when our pores are clogged with sebum, dirt, sweat, bacteria, or dead skin cells. When a pore becomes clogged in this way, it becomes a pimple.

Acne can occur simply because the individual is not washing their face daily, but it can also be for other reasons. A hormonal factor, a change in diet, or a sensitive reaction to a product could all be at fault. Surprisingly, one of the biggest causes of acne is a lack of exfoliation.

Exfoliating is an important step in everyone’s skin care regimen. It helps slough off dead skin through the use of either a physical exfoliant like a scrub, or chemical exfoliants like alpha hydroxy acids.

Body washing

What Causes Body Acne?

Acne doesn’t just appear on the face; it can also show up on the shoulders, back, chest and neck. While some individuals may experience this instance of acne more than the former, the breakouts are still caused by the same factors.

Hair follicles throughout the body can become clogged with sebum and sweat, just as they do on the face. People may have body acne because of a reaction to poorly-ventilated clothing or a lack of hygiene, but it’s often just the result of a lack of exfoliation. Regularly exfoliating your body is an important way to clear out the dead skin from your pores, and keep an eye out especially for exfoliants with lavender essential oil.

Additionally, an exfoliating method is recommended when cleansing your body, as well. While physical exfoliants can’t be used everyday on the delicate skin on the face, the tougher skin on most of your body can handle a bit more scrubbing. However, no tugging and dragging should be involved; this can cause varicose veins to develop over time.

Meanwhile, an excellent way to exfoliate is through the use of dry brushing, which not only exfoliates, but stimulates circulation and promotes detoxifying functions.

Lavender body care

DIY Methods to Use Lavender Oil for Acne

One of the most fantastic things about lavender oil is its versatility. While it’s readily available as an ingredient in skin care products, lavender oil itself can be used in a variety of ways throughout homeopathy and beauty.

Individuals may use lavender oil for acne, but it’s generally not recommended to use the essential oil without a carrier oil, as this can lead to irritation.

Spot Treatment for the Face
For blemishes on the face, you can use lavender oil as a spot treatment, simply by mixing one drop with a drop of argan oil, and apply to the troubled area with a cotton swab.

Acne Oil Blend
In this oil blend that can be used for both your body and face, as it combines the antibacterial, somewhat exfoliating properties of lavender oil for acne while also using frankincense essential oil, which is known for its astringent properties. Plus, vitamin E helps promote healthy skin function and cell turnover.

Almond oil is listed as the carrier oil in this recipe, but you can really use whatever carrier oil you like.

  • 4 tbsp sweet almond oil

  • 7 drops vitamin E oil

  • 10 drops frankincense essential oil

  • 7 drops lavender essential oil

DIY Lavender Sugar Body Scrub
This scrub is sure to exfoliate skin and break up dead skin cells to encourage healthy cell turnover, and the carrier oil will help moisturize the skin.

  • 2 cups sugar

  • ½ cup coconut, almond, or jojoba oil

  • 10-15 drops lavender essential oil

  • 3 tsp lavender buds (optional)

After combining ingredients, pour the blend into a clean tupperware container or mason jar and store in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight.

Puristry’s Flower Water Toner

With its antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties, it cooperates beautifully with the other ingredients in our nourishing Flower Water Toner. Hydrating organic rose water and soothing calendula hydrosol are two major players in calming skin. This toner does more than merely restore the pH balance of your face; it also fights acne, reduces inflammation, and quenches parched skin.

To use our Flower Water Toner, pump a small amount of the product onto a cotton pad or clean hands after using the Nopal Cactus Cleanser. Sweep the toner across your face and neck, and gently pat into the skin to encourage absorption and follow up with serum and/or eye cream. This product is suitable for all skin types and can be used in both the day and evening.

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